Fallout 4 мод двери с силовым приводом

Дверные электрозамки / Powered Doors — Remote control and lock


Вы хотели бы иметь такую возможность как запирать двери на замки например в своих собственных оружейных или домах чтобы никто ничего не уволок и не посещал ваши хранилища без вашего ведома? Этот мод делает именно это, у вас появится возможность изготавливать электрозамки которые работают от питания. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это разместить специальный разъем питания около двери. Все просто. Это полезно. Мод просто работает!

Имеется 2 варианта замков:
Дверной электрозамок — запирает дверь, когда питание включено.
Дверной электроадаптер — открывает дверь, когда питание включено и закрывает двери при выключении питания.

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Где взять замки:
— Вы можете найти разъемы в Мастерской в разделе «Электричество > Разное»

Так как это все работает?
— После того, как разъем будет размещен в режиме мастерской, он будет автоматически искать ближайшую дверь. Поэтому, когда вы хотите прикрепить разъем к другой двери, все, что вам нужно сделать, это переместить его к новой двери.
— Если ни одна дверь не будет обнаружена, вы получите сообщение об ошибке, в верхнем левом углу экрана.

— Этот мод будет работать со всеми игровыми дверями которые вы уже разместили или будете размещать, включая ворота из хлама и двери Замка.
— Мод не будет работать с дверями из других модов.
— Тем не менее, есть вариант мода который работает с дверями из мода Homemaker.

Fallout 4


Автоматические двери

Название: Автоматические двери
Автор: Wenderer

Вам тоже надоело что ваши двери открыты для любого рейдера,
в радость Содружества?
Данный мод для fallout 4 позволяет установить несколько механизмов на двери,
которые имеют новые скрипты , новые текстуры.

Имеются несколько типов устройств
-Механизм Закрывания Дверей — это устройство автоматически закрывает двери через некоторое время. Это snapable к стене и должен быть помещен как можно ближе к двери.
Панель ключ — существует три вида панелей, каждая отличалась по цвету: синий, красный, желтый. Когда добавленные в дверь, она будет постоянно сканировать состояние двери и если он закрыт будет запереть ее на ключ. Дверь может быть разблокирована только через эту панель ключ если актер уже конкретный ключ. Существует три ключ-карты, по одной для каждого типа панели. Ключи куются в разделе служебная программа chemlab категории. Ограниченная поддержка ВСНП. Панель ключ откроет дверь для НИП, который имеет соответствующую карту в инвентаре, но НПС не может понять. Может быть, когда F4SE выйти на полный газ должен быть способ, чтобы изменить его.
Механизм Аварийной Блокировки — большое устройство из металла, должны быть использованы на ворота, но и будет работать со всеми другими дверями. Требуют питания и провод для подключения. При включении будет закрывать и запирать ворота (двери), пока не отключить питание.
Датчик приближения — работает как Автоматический выключатель. Включается при враждебных или союзника NPC в свой ассортимент, и выключает, когда целевые НПС вне диапазона. Каждый датчик может быть настроен реагировать на противников или союзников, также диапазон может быть увеличен или уменьшен. Требует проводного соединения.

— с помощью установщика модов или в ручную скопируйте файлы с архива в папку Data с игрой;
— в файле fallout4.ini (documents/mygames/fallout4/):измените [Archive]sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS, на:[Archive]sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS, TEXTURES, MUSIC, SOUND, INTERFACE, MESHES, PROGRAMS, MATERIALS, LODSETTINGS, VIS, MISC, SCRIPTS, SHADERSFX


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Powered Doors — Remote control and lock

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About this mod

A simple mod that adds some magic to craftable doors. You can either lock/unlock a door with a power switch or add a remote control to a door. Doors with remote control can no longer be opened manually.

This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Mods requiring this file

Author’s instructions

I generally don’t have problems with translations or patches for my mods as long as they:
a) will not be monetized (donations disabled),
b) credit me as original author,
c) only upload an edited esp and not the assets (bsa, ba2, loose files. ),
d) have this file linked as requirement

If you want to use any of the meshes or textures I used in this mod, please check the credited files, if it belongs to them. You can use all assets I made in your own mod (that is not a translation or patch for this file), but you must give me a credit. All my meshes and textures are located in Meshes/DarthWayne or Textures/DarthWayne folders. If you want to use other assets used in this mod, please check the credited files.

If you have questions about permissions just send me a pm.

File credits

This author has not credited anyone else in this file

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Straight donations accepted

Ever wanted to lock the doors of your private armory? Or add a remote control to a door? Search no more! This mod does exactly that. All you need to do is to place a special power connector close to a door. You have the choice between these two variants:

  • Powered Door Lock — locks the door when power is on
  • Powered Door Adapter — opens the door when power is on and closes the door when power is off

You can find the connectors at «Electricity > Misc Electricity»

So how does this work? Once the connector is placed or moved in workshop mode, it will automatically search for the nearest door. So when you want to attach the connector to another door, all you need to do is move it to the new door. When no door could be found, you will get an error message in the top left corner of the screen.

This mod will work with all vanilla doors you have already placed, including the junk fence gate and the castle doors. It will not work with doors placed by another mod. However I made a second version that also works with homemaker doors.


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Auto Doors

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Virus scan

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About this mod

Ever been bothered by opened everywhere doors in you settlements? Trader comes in your camp and leave gates open wide for every single raider in Commonwealth joy and that pissed you off? Me very.

This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Mods requiring this file

Mod name Notes
A Different Sanctuary Needed
Abernathy Farm — Little Village BLUEPRINT for Transfer Settlement
Amber Apartment — Home Plate Blueprint
Another Friggin Sanctuary Blueprint (WIP)
Auto Doors — Trad. Portugues do Brasil Mod original que deve ser instalado antes desta tradução
Auto Doors and DLC Unofficial Patch Spanish Las mallas y texturas de los cierres para las puertas sólo están en el mod original
Auto Doors DLC Unoffical Patch
Auto Doors German
Auto Doors Patch for PCDug’s Build A Wall
AutoDoor Patches
Big E’s 2 for 1
Big E’s Section 9
Build Your Own Auto Door
Christmas Apartment — Holiday Special Blueprint by RogueCyborg
County Crossing Trainyard Blueprint for Transfer Settlements optional
Covenant Little Village
CyberPunk City
Def13 Blueprint — Red Rocket truck stop
Digi-Fu’s Abernathy Farm blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Covenant blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Graygarden blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Hangman’s Alley blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Nuka-World Red Rocket blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Oberland Station blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Outpost Zimonja blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Red Rocket Truck Stop blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Starlight Drive-In blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Sunshine Tidings Co-op blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Taffington Boathouse blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Tenpines Bluff blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s The Castle blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s The Slog blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the settlement gate doors to auto close (for the most part I use them there)
Digi-Fu’s Vault 88 blueprint — Restoring the Commonwealth Optional if you want the doors to auto close, I use them on most of the vault room doors, not the main one of course
Dragon Rich Castle
Echo Lake Lumber Mill — Mansion and more stuff- BLUEPRINT for Transfer Settlement
Fallout 4 Coastal Cottage Little Mansion and Cottages
FOB Bunker at Ft Hagen Battlefield
Fort Starlight — Settlement Blueprint
Gorshkov’s County Crossing optional
Gorshkov’s Dalton Farm I hate open doors.
Gorshkov’s Egret Tours Marina optional
Gorshkov’s Murkwater Construction Site optional
Gorshkov’s Nuka-World Red Rocket Truck Stop
Gorshkov’s Red Rocket Truck Stop
Gorshkov’s Sanctuary Hills
Gorshkov’s Somerville Place
Gorshkov’s Spectacle Island
Greentop Nursery Little Village
Hangman’s Alley Vault for Transfer Settlements
Institute Rebuilt Prydwen Optional only if you’re not OCD about doors being closed like I am
Kingsport Lighthouse Little Village
Le-xi’s Sanctuary and Player Home
LucidLady»s Slog Healing Center Blueprint optional
LucidLady’s Kreitz Outpost Blueprint
LucidLady’s Soup Island Blueprint for Transfer Settlements.
LucidLady’s Vanilla Outpost Zimonja Blueprint optional
MAEMAE’S County Crossing Blueprint Mod
Minutemen Capital Sanctuary
Murkwater construction site Little Village
My Red Rocket
Mystic Pines Retirement Home Optional If you not bothered about Auto Closing Doors
Nuka Red Rocket Little Village
Oberland Station City and Seaport
Oberland Station Little Village Optional, if you want see doors opening and closing automatically.
Outpost Zimonja — Little Mansion
Pra’s Fo4Edit Scripts — Automatic Patch Generation AutoDoorifier requires AutoDoors
Pra’s zEdit Scripts — Automated Patch Generation RELOADED AutoDoors-Iifier requires Auto Doors
Reaper’s Castle — Clean Operational Base (TS Blueprint) go to auto doors patch house to get a patch for all the build mods with doors or make your own / or use the one I made at bottom of this page it will save you about 16 esp if you running close to max number of mods
Red Rocket — Little Village BLUEPRINT for Transfer Settlement
Red Rocket Blueprint for Transfer Settlements optional
Red Rocket Extreme Build
Red Rocket Settlement Optional if you want Auto closing doors
Red Rocket Vault Blueprint For the automatic Doorway in the Transitzone
Restored and Redecorated Castle
Sanctuary Hills BP
Sanctuary Little Village Optional, if you want automated doors opening and closing.
Somerville Place Little Place Optional, if you want see doors closed, or auto-opening.
Spectacle Island Compund Optional if you’re not OCD about your doors being shut like me
Starlight — BOS Style Settlement optional
Starlight cybercity
Starlight Drive In Little Village
Starlight Drive-in Settlement
Starlight DriveIn Headquarters (VotW)
Sunshine Blueprint
Taffington LITTLE Boathouse
Tenpines Bluff Little Village Optional, if you want automated doors.
The Castle-Minutemen Resort
The Hive — Mechanist Blueprint optional
The Lair — Mechanist Blueprint optional
The LITTLE Castle
The Slog Villa- Blueprint
Tina De Luca Adventures 7
Transfer Settlements — Dartmouth Professional Building Bachelors Penthouse
Vault 88 — A little tiny vault. or not
Vault 88 — Settlement Blueprint
Vault 88 Obsession — Clipboard Pattern Used in the Clipboard Pattern
Vault 88 Proper Vault Exits Blueprint Recommended! The Blueprint uses Auto Doors and Powered Doors. The power lines are designed for it.
vendor autodoor patch
Villa Ambra — Spectacle Island Blueprint For automaticly closing doors — not necessary
Villa Ambra 2.0 — Spectacle Island Transfer Settlements Blueprint For automaticly closing doors — not absolutely necessary
Viper Sanctuary residential district
Wasteland Outpost — Abernathy Farm blueprint Use the Vanilla option when installing Autodoors..Choose an Autodoorified Patch from my optional files or use Pra’s Fo4Edit Scripts to generate your own.
Wasteland Outpost — Tenpines Bluff blueprint Use the Vanilla option when installing Autodoors..Choose an Autodoorified Patch from my optional files or use Pra’s Fo4Edit Scripts to generate your own.
Wasteland Retreat — Red Rocket Truck Stop blueprint Use the Vanilla option when installing Autodoors..Choose an Autodoorified Patch from my optional files or use Pra’s Fo4Edit Scripts to generate your own. (See the
Wealthy Abernathy Farm — Settlement Blueprint Optional.
Wealthy Coastal Cottage — Settlement Blueprint Optional.
Wealthy Croup Manor — Settlement Blueprint Optional.
Wealthy Finch Farm — Settlement Blueprint Optional.
Wealthy Greentop Nursery — Settlement Blueprint Optional.
Wealthy Kingsport Lighthouse — Settlement Blueprint Optional.
Wealthy Sanctuary Hills — Settlement Blueprint Optional.
Wealthy Sunshine Tidings Co-Op — Settlement Blueprint Optional.
Wealthy Tenpines Bluff — Settlement Blueprint Optional.

Credits and distribution permission

  • Other user’s assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder’s resources
  • Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
  • Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
  • Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
  • Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
  • Console modding permission The author uploaded this mod to Bethesda.net and it is available for console users

Author notes

This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions

File credits

This author has not credited anyone else in this file

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Language Name
Spanish Author: kittyowilder Auto Doors and DLC Unofficial Patch Spanish
Portuguese Author: Urbano Antigo Auto Doors — Trad. Portugues do Brasil
German Author: GR-FoxDie Auto Doors German
Italian Author: franchiceddhu90 Auto Doors — Traduzione ITA

Version 2.8

  • — Added support of Far Harbor DLC.
    — Tweaked scripts to react faster for some actions.
    — Repacked textures.

Version 2.7

Version 2.6b

Version 2.6

  • — Added visible radius sphere for proximity sensor. Accessible via sensor menu.
    — Recompiled all scripts with CK.
    — Resaved plugins with CK.

Version 2.5b

  • — Fixed meshes for Emergency Lockdown Mechanism and Proximity Sensors.
    — Added prefix ‘AD’ to all devices in workshop menu. Placed devices will have their normal names, without prefix.

Version 2.5

  • — Added new device: Emergency Lockdown Mechanism
    — Added new device: Proximity sensor
    — Added two vanilla institute doors to support list for those who use mod ‘AS Institute Workstations’. (confirm required)
    — Improved all scripts. Keycard panel now should work like Switzerland clock watch.
    — Fixed bug when door sensors reacted on turrets.

Version 2.4b

  • — Meshes rolled back to 2.3. Though it worked for me it caused CTD for others. Will not touch it any more :/

Version 2.4

  • — Added doors from Fallout beta patch 1.4.
    — Added glow map to locking panels.
    — Cleaned meshes from unneeded animation stuff.
    — Included script patch from version 2.3.
    — AD_fScanTime setted to 0.5 sec, doors will react on actions faster. (Will not be applied if you changed it in console)

Version 2.3

  • Scripts improvements:
    &nbsp&nbsp&nbspDoor closer now will close door always after AD_fCloseTime seconds, if door was closed and reopened before this happen then inner timer will be resetted to AD_fCloseTime.
    &nbsp&nbsp&nbspLocking panel will unlock when actor aproach and if this actor have required key. NOTE: it’s a experimental feature, no promises that it will work, more then that, personaly i think it will not work at all. NPCs too dumb here (as always) :\
    &nbsp&nbsp&nbspYou now may scrap door without need to scrap/store device. Once new door would be placed nearby device it should catch it up. I called it Scrap-Safe algorithm.
    Keycards recipe moved to UTILITY category to prevent category limit issue.
    Included meshes fix from ‘Patch for 2.0 — 2.2 versions’.

Version 2.2

  • Added support for vanilla doors in locations: Starlight Drive In, Sunshine Tidings Co-Op, The Slog, Covenant (missing), Spectacle Island, Croup Manor, Kingsport Lighthouse, Finch Farm, Coastal Cottage.
    Renamed ‘Red Keycard’ to ‘Keycard Red’ and so on.

Version 2.1

  • Scripts improvements and fixes.
    Increased default door search radius to 350 units.
    Added support for vanilla doors in locations: Sanctuary, Tempines Bluff, Outpost Zimonja, Egret Tours Marina, Warwick Homestead, The Castle, Bunker Hill, Taffington Boathouse, Covenant.
    Added workshop icons.

Version 2.0

Version 1.2

Version 1.1c

  • Fixed bug where form lists wasn’t renamed and rewrited doors names. Now all automatic doors has prefix ‘Auto — ‘.

Version 1.1b

Version 1.1

Version 1.0

Ever been bothered by opened everywhere doors in you settlements? Trader comes in your camp and leave gates open wide for every single raider in Commonwealth joy and that pissed you off? Me very.

Auto Doors 2.0 uses new way to automate doors and was rewritten from scratch. New esp, new scripts, some new textures and meshes (well it’s a edited vanilla actualy)!
This mod addes craftable devices that will allow to automate your settlement doors. There are three main type of devices, some have few types:

  • Door Closing Mechanism — this device will automatically close opened door after some time. It’s snapable to wall and should be placed as close to door as posible. When (re)placed script attached to this device will find door and start continuously scan it status.
  • Door Sensor — thee are to types of door sensors, one with internal power (Autonom) source and one that should be powered externally (External). External door sensor will not consume power unit but if not powered it will not work (mostly like a lamp). Both door sensors when attached to door will continuously scan area for actors (player or any other NPC) and when one approach to setted distance will open door, once actor leave range it will close door.
  • Keycard panel — there are three types of panels, each differed by color: blue, red, yellow. When attached to door it will continuously scan door status and if it closed will lock it to key. This door may be unlocked only through this keycard panel if actor have specific keycard. There are three keycard, by one for each panel type. Keycards craftable at chemlab under UTILITY category. Limited NPC support. Keycard panel will unlock door when NPC that has appropriate card in inventory but NPC may not understand it. May be when F4SE come out on full throttle there will be a way to change it.
  • Emergency Lockdown Mechanism — big metal device, supposed to be used on gates, but will also work with all other doors. Require power and wire connection. When powered on will close and lock gate (door) until power off.
  • Proximity sensor — works as automatic switch. Turns on when hostile or ally NPCs in its range, and turns off when targeted NPC out of range. Each sensor can be tweaked to react on hostiles or allies, also range can be increased or decreased. Require wire connection.

All devices reevaluate it target door when crafted and/or replaced. Script will scan area for doors in short range, if there several door found it will calculate nearest. You can find this devices in Power->Miscellaneous category in workshop menu.
Depending on chosen option while installation mod support vanilla doors, Homemaker’s doors and Snap’n Build doors. Mod also support pre-made vanilla doors from locations: Red Rocket, Hangman’s AlleySanctuary, Tempines Bluff, Outpost Zimonja, Egret Tours Marina, Warwick Homestead, The Castle, Bunker Hill, Taffington Boathouse, Covenant, Starlight Drive In, Sunshine Tidings Co-Op, The Slog, Spectacle Island, Croup Manor, Kingsport Lighthouse, Finch Farm, Coastal Cottage.

Global variables for setting:

  • AD_fDoorSearchRadius — radius in which script will look for a door. Default value: 350 units.
  • AD_fScanTime — delay between door status scan. Default value: 1 sec.
  • AD_fCloseTime — time that door closing mechanism will wait before closing door. Default value: 10 sec.
  • AD_fSensorRadius — radius in wich door sensor will look for an actor. Default value: 200 units.
  • AD_fLockTime — time that script will wait befor locking just unlocked door. Default value: 5 sec.

To modify any of it value type in console:
set [global] to [value]
where [global] is global variable and [value] is value. Value should be above zero.


Instruction for clean save:

  1. Uninstall previous version of Auto Doors and any compatibility patches related to it.
  2. Launch game and load last save.
  3. Save game and exit.
  4. Now you have clean save and may install mod.

Automatic installation: use NMM or any mod manager that support FOMOD installation.

Manual installation:

  1. Copy .ba2 files to your DATA folder.
  2. Proceed into Core catalog, choose language.
  3. In language related catalog there is four esp:
    • AutoDoors-Vanilla.esp — support vanilla doors only. Plus pre-made doors from Red Rocket and Hangman’s Alley.
    • AutoDoors-HM.esp — support vanilla and Homemaker’s v. 1.33 doors.
    • AutoDoors-SnB.esp — support vanilla and Snap’n Build v. 1.8 doors.
    • AutoDoors-HM-SnB.esp — support all above doors.
  • Choose one and move to your DATA folder, rename it to AutoDoors.esp.
  • Extensibility
    This mod may support not only craftable via workshop menu doors, but also premade one. But for this i need to add this door to form list, so if you want me add some door you should provide me with it reference ID in worldspace or base ID. I will add only vanilla doors, and Homemaker/Snap’n Build doors as this mods will update.
    Third party mod doors: this mod also may support doors provided by other mods with minor edits and none incompatibility. For this third party mod author should add to his doors keyword AD_CrossModUniversalDoorSupport [KYWD:xx3000807] from Auto Doors mod. Auto Doors, of course, should be one of the master file for this third party mod.

    Known settlement mods with patches

    • Snappy HouseKit by robboten and kkthebeast — «Numerous (somewhere around 2000. ) vanilla pieces with snap points. «
    • Settlement Objects Expansion Pack by ccmads — «Obviously, this mod will add new objects (over 1500 items!*) to your settlement . «

    Dedicated patches

    • Build Your Own Auto Door by Wolfasaurus
    • Auto Doors — Renovated Furniture Patch by ViperLord
    • Auto Doors DLC Unoffical Patch by ViperLord
    • Auto Doors Patch House by joemitchell320 — whole bunch of patches
    • Auto Doors Patch for PCDug’s Build A Wall by gardyanakbar


    • Russian (in package)
    • Italian by franchiceddhu90
    • German by GR-FoxDie

    Caprica Papyrus Compiler and Champollion PEX to Papyrus Decompiler by Orvid
    Homemaker — Expanded Settlements by NovaCoru
    Snap’n Build by ad3d0


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